Dellaverson, P.C.   

Gary J. Dellaverson



Gary Dellaverson has more than four decades of experience in the field of law, employment & labor relations and finance, virtually all of which has been in the public sector.  

He served for over 20 years as the chief labor negotiator and CFO for the New York MTA, the largest public transportation provider in North America, where he negotiated hundreds of collective bargaining agreements covering over 60,000 represented employees. Prior to that, he was Deputy Fire Commissioner at FDNY and served in the Koch Administration. After his public service, Gary was Special Counsel at the global law firm Proskauer.

Now in his own practice, DELLAVERSON PC, Gary has acted as both the employer’s public spokesperson during high-profile negotiations, as well as a behind-the-scenes advisor to decision makers and elected officials.  He is deeply familiar with national, sector and regional trends in bargaining as well as current and developing Tri-State patterns. He has also confronted and resolved many of the most difficult issues in collective bargaining such as health benefit plan design and employee contributions, pension reform, staffing and productivity along with traditional economic bargaining.

DELLAVERSON PC delivers the very highest-quality service to a wide range of employers across multiple sectors employing virtually every type of worker: skilled trades to police; white collar professionals to locomotive engineers; school crossing guards to bus operators.

Expert advice and deep experience: DELLAVERSON PC.